Tuesday, July 22, 2008

She's so... ME!

I really wish I had a picture to post of me at Ellie's age; just over a year. My sister saw this picture and was delighted. She said, "I love that picture! She's so cute! Ellie's smile is just like yours was at that age. I remember how adorable you were at her age and that is your smile!"
What a lovely thing it is to have an older sister who loves me so much. She has always loved having a little sister and I have always felt it from her. Can you believe she never even complained when I wanted to hang around her and her friends while they were playing? She never even thought about it until one of her friends said, "Why does your little sister always have to hang around with us?" And she thought, "I don't know. Why DOES she always have to hang around with us? I don't mind!" Or something to that effect. I just want the world to know how much I love my sister (and my brother, of course) and how grateful I am that she has always looked out for me and included me in her life.

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