Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's That Time Again...

Yup, the time of month every woman dreads; time to balance the checkbook! That being said I will tell you I had the strangest dream this morning. In my home, of course it wasn't really my house but similar to one I grew up in, I had a guest staying in the guest room. He came and told me there was some mildew on the wall. I went in and it was everywhere. Then he mentioned to me if it was in one room it would be in others. Nevermind that I had checked the other rooms already and there was none. I went back and there it was. Everywhere high and low. My guest, let's call him Dave Scott, somehow got Ty Pennington on the phone. Ty came with his magic phone to get the mildew cleaned up. No, the magic phone didn't work this time as I woke up before he could make more than one call. I would say I've been watching too many episodes of How Clean is Your House with Kim & Aggie, who point out all the dirt and muck! Don't ask me where Ty came into the mix; I suppose it's just that he makes thing better and this is a new house? Who knows! How is that for a crazy dream?

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