Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Movies We've Seen

I'm not going to be giving full reviews on the movies but I will list them in the order we saw them and say which ones I liked or did not like and why.

First there was the new Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Brendan Fraser is one of my favorite actors and I do love the sometimes campy humor of the Mummy movies. I gave this one a thumbs up. It's too bad they had to replace the Evie character with a new actor as she was not nearly as interesting. We can't have everything.
Next there was Dark Knight. I have to say the acting was superb, if not disturbing! The story was well written and acted. The scenery was excellent. The only thing I didn't like was the feeling of darkness and depression I carried with me from the first scene. I did not like the movie and I can't say I'm glad I didn't miss it. It just was not to my taste.

Lastly we saw The X-Files: I Want to Believe. Again, it was dark but what X-Files episode wasn't? It was an interesting, if gruesome, tale but it kept my attention. I may have liked it simply because it was 'an X-Files' just as I loved the first Star Trek movie only because it was Star Trek.

There you have it. The reviews are more of my opinion but since this is my forum I feel I can express it without reserve. Thanks for reading my blog!

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