Saturday, August 29, 2009


Jeff and I recently received our concealed weapons permit to carry. Ever since we've been Packin'! Wouldn't you? Here's us packin' at Lowe's... Don't we look cute? You would be amazed at the amount of people around you who carry concealed weapons! Thank goodness most of them are law abiding citizens. The ones you have to worry about are the ones who do not bother with a permit as they want to "stay off the grid", if you know what I mean. Nobody would ever suspect a grandmother of 2, aged 51, who looks like a Sunday school teacher to be carrying a concealed weapon everywhere she goes (except for church and to the pool... hello!) now would they? So this is our latest adventure and we're happy to share with you! One of my friends even said, "I want to go places with you..." when she saw my post on Facebook. How cool is that?! LOL! Have a great day!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Look At The Babies Now!

Ellie is too funny. We were on our way to the Pizza Factory last week when, from the back seat, we heard, "Oh man! I tired!" She's just so cute! The next time we went out Jacob lost a

tooth in his pizza. The last image, which is a little scary is something I saw on AFV and took a shot of the screen. Jacob in all his 5 year old innocence asked me if that was Papa when he was a baby. He's adorable!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


So... Ever since I logged on and got an account with Facebook I've neglected my blog. Sorry y'all but you can find me there! I'll try to work harder on this but I don't spend that much time on the computer anymore either and have not taken a lot of pictures for that matter. Last week we lost a beloved member of our family, Martino Julio Fasciotti (Martin or Julie to family and friends). We'll miss his dry wit and sarcastic sense of humor. I adored him. Anyway, we took a quick trip to Wisconsin for his services. Otherwise, things just go along as they go. We've taken up the hobby or sport of target shooting. That's a lot of fun. We still ride our scooters around now that the snow is gone and the gravel and dirt has been cleaned up off the surface of the roads. It was a big hazard. I'm trying to do a better job as the Ward Specialist in Family History and so I'm working on a project for one of my neighbors. That's always fun! I guess that's the update!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wii Love To Have Fun!

So, did you know that with a Wii Speak, wireless internet and certain games you can play with your family or friends far away? It's a blast. I get to play with my daughter who lives in California at least 4 times per week and we stay caught up on current events while we play Animal Crossing. It's such a blast! Of course, we get Katie or Jacob from downstairs playing too and we have fun visiting one another's towns and talking while we play.

Yes, I admist it's a great time waster but still, it's all about family and togetherness for us and we love it. You should try it!

Even More Medical Stuff

So on my last visit to the Neurologist, I got a prescription for a medication called Keppra. It's an anti-seizure medication they give for epilepsy. I don't have epilepsy, but the medication seems to be working for me in that I've stopped having the left sided weakness and muscle spasm's. After doing some research I find that the white matter in the brain is where you have axons and glia. The glia substance forms a sheathing around the axons, which are nerves. Once the sheathing starts to unravel the nerves act like wire that's lost its insulation. That causes sporadic electrical issues in wiring and it's been causing it in mine!

The medication is working and I'm happy! I've been swimming with my sister most every day so we're getting some exercise and trying to make ourselves more healthy. Unfortunately I now have a respiratory illness but that will pass, I assure you! All is well.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Latest Medical News

You who know me well also know the medical stuff I've been going through for the past three years. I have just been through another battery of testing to see what the new symptom, left side weakness, is all about. Again the answer is ambiguous. My neurologist calls it "the MS findings" without saying it's MS. They don't have enough information to know whether I have MS or if it's my Sarcoidosis that's showing up as white areas in my brain. We are still treating symptomatically and trying to find medications that work without too many side effects. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired but we deal with what we are handed, true?

On a lighter note, I was able to take down the Christmas decorations on my stairs and entry way today. If someone would bring in the boxes I could start to undecorate the tree and get other things put away. Seeing Christmas up nearly a month after the holiday only depresses me. My house is a mess and I wish I had a fairy Godmother to make it all go away! If you have one, please send her my way; I could use the help!

I'm frustrated as you may be able to tell. I do not, however, feel abandoned by God or my family and friends. Just because my prayers are not answered in the way I would hope does not test or try my faith in that God who created me. My testimony of that is as strong as ever. It would be nice to know you are all praying for me though!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yes, It's About Time...

I have not been a good blogger lately. I don't get out much and with the holidays, the snow and the cold it's been no-scooter riding weather. When I don't go out I don't take many pictures either. Let's see if I can fix that. Megan, thank you. You seem to be the only one who's missed me!

Thanksgiving ~ Jeff and I cooked a complete Thanksgiving meal for the two of us and made 12 frozen dinners with all the leftovers.

My back? Yes, it's got a torn disk or something like that so I can't do a lot and especially I can't lift; even little Ellie. :(

Christmas was wonderful. We were able to get Christy here for a week and it was so nice having her "home" with us. We're always home no matter where we are when our family is with us. We did get quite a lot of snow this year. Here's the view off the front porch two days before Christmas. We were excited Christy was here for her first White Christmas in her memory. She was, of course, born in October in Idaho Falls, but we moved from the snow before memory kicked in for her. Anyway, it's now January 13th and most of that snow is still outside!

Oh yes, we finally invested in a snow thrower this year. It makes the job of clearing it off the driveway and walkways so much easier!

So now it's January. I've been having an issue with my health since December 23rd and after two weeks finally went to the doctor. I've now been through an MRI of my brain and c-spine, a nerve conduction study on my left arm and leg and a sleep deprived EEG. I'll find out the results next Tuesday but the general problem is that I keep getting this transient weakness in those two limbs. It's pretty uncomfortable and if it's something to worry about I want to know.

I guess that's about all I have to say as far as an update except that I am now on Facebook and enjoying that when I remember to check in. I appreciate everyone stopping in to see what I've written and I do appreciate being missed; thanks Megan!