Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Latest Medical News

You who know me well also know the medical stuff I've been going through for the past three years. I have just been through another battery of testing to see what the new symptom, left side weakness, is all about. Again the answer is ambiguous. My neurologist calls it "the MS findings" without saying it's MS. They don't have enough information to know whether I have MS or if it's my Sarcoidosis that's showing up as white areas in my brain. We are still treating symptomatically and trying to find medications that work without too many side effects. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired but we deal with what we are handed, true?

On a lighter note, I was able to take down the Christmas decorations on my stairs and entry way today. If someone would bring in the boxes I could start to undecorate the tree and get other things put away. Seeing Christmas up nearly a month after the holiday only depresses me. My house is a mess and I wish I had a fairy Godmother to make it all go away! If you have one, please send her my way; I could use the help!

I'm frustrated as you may be able to tell. I do not, however, feel abandoned by God or my family and friends. Just because my prayers are not answered in the way I would hope does not test or try my faith in that God who created me. My testimony of that is as strong as ever. It would be nice to know you are all praying for me though!


Megan said...

You are in my prays and just keep keeping on. He will take care of you. Just give it all to Him.

Unknown said...

I wish I could be there to give you a squishy hug! I am thinking of you and praying for you!
P.S. if you find the fairy godmother, will you give her my address when you're through with her?

The Laws said...

You are in our prayers!! If I could be your fairy Godmother, I would. Stay strong!! You are an excellent example of how to deal with our trials!!

Megan said...

Are you ok still?